I really don't give two hot pockets about the Democrapic National Convention. The media talks about how it changed everyone perspective on Barry Obama and energized the party. This is total malarkey. Everyone knows who they are going to vote for by now and nothing from here until November 8th is going to change that. Nothing. Hillary's girls are not going to vote for McCain. And there is no such thing as an independent voter. An independent voter is just someone who doesn't like hearing all this hockey about how each candidate is worse than the other. With that being said, I want to pick on Michelle Obama's appearances and add no political commentary. In other words, I wanna be a bitch.
- Girl, tease that hair up all you want. You ain't hiding that fivehead (that is bigger than a forehead).
- What's wrong with your mouth? Girl, you chewing tobacco? You ain't gotta do that to attract redneck voters.
- Leave your little girls back stage. I don't need to see all that sixhead and sevenhead.
Watch out, this Rochester kitten has claws.