I had an interview for a job yesterday. I won't say where, but it is not my dream job. My dream job is to be a manager of a company that test to see how drunk you can get on certain beers. A goon can dream, can't he? It is a fairly basic job, so the interview was fairly basic. They gave me a list of questions to answer. One of them was about what my reaction would be to seeing a co-worker using my coffee mug to water the plants. Then, after asking them to use something else, you see them do it again. My answer was that I would just take my coffee mug home. This was probably not the best answer as it pegs me as being passive aggressive, when we all know I am aggressive aggressive. In a perfect world I would've written:
Why the hell would I care that some chick (like a dude would water plants) is using my mug to water plants? It just water. Also, I don't even drink coffee. I chug Mountain Dew to get me going. Now if that bitch touch a can of Mountain Dew to give to those fucking plants, then you best to buh-lieve that it is on like Susan Sarandon!
But, I really need this job, so I just kept my answer and moved on.