...so the Mitchell Report do leaked. Thus killing the nine hours of coverage that ESPN was planning on doing to show each player one by one. On the list were a couple of surprises. Wally Joyner? I mean, he came out awhile ago, but still. His name is WALLY. The one that was really no shock but was Brady Anderson. I hated Brady Anderson. His one season where he hit 50 homers was one of the biggest blinking lights that players were using steroids in the MLB. I have not been to many major league games so I remember my experiences quite vividly. My father took me to see the Red Sox-Orioles game back during that Brady Anderson freak season. We stopped off at a McDonald's up by out hotel before that game and Robbie Alomar was getting drive thru in his black Mercedes S600. Cool, right? We had really bad seats at Camden Yards. We had to take an escalator to them. To this day, I have never had to take an escalator to seats at a sporting event. So we are on the 300 level concourse and there is a gift shop selling Orioles shwag. Hat, mini-bats, and jerseys. There in the middle of all this was a poster of Brady Anderson, like this one. My Dad, never one to mince words, sighed "What the hell is this crap? Son, you're a Red Sox fan, right?" I agreed. He looked relieved.