Thursday, December 08, 2005

Sorry Mom!

So, Angry Fatty dropped this lil' gem about Brokeback Mountain. I am GLAAD (get it) he told me what that movies was really about. I thought for a minute when he was talkin' about a movies with the term "brokeback" in it, it was from his days of working in gay porn. Maybe I am a bit dumb, because I also, thought The Bear was another of B!'s earlier films.


Matt said...


Anonymous said...

Man, oh man, what is it with the gays. Why is it they've decided they actually deserve to be a part of our mainstream culture? First they ruined music, then they were on our Prime Time TV, now in our movies. You won't turn me gay, gays!

And GLAAD? That reminds me of another organization I hate with two AAs in it. You know the one. I'll give you a hint if you need one. It starts with the same letter as the 'N-word'.

The gays. Almost as bad as the Jews.

Anonymous said...

You hate the NCAA, too? Listen, 3000 you missed the point of the post all together. I am, as you well know, a documneted homophobe. I make no secret of that. I do, however, understand that they are here. They are queer. And I am getting used to it.

This post was not about homophobic rhetoric about Brokeback Mountain. This post was about calling B! a homosexual. And I thought I did a good job of it. Obvs., by your comment, I did not. So I'll stop being clever about it.

Anonymous said...

And nothing will ever be as bad as the Jews.

Anonymous said...

That NCAA bit paddled my little fanny.