Thursday, December 01, 2005


Today is world's AIDS Day. I don't know what that means. I guess, we are all supposed to get AIDS today or something. I also like "AIDS Awareness Day". WTF is that supposed to mean? I am aware that AIDS be out there. Do I need to dedicate a whole day to that? Should I sit around my apartment and think "AIDS is out there" and deny myself food, water and toilet because they will cause me to depart from my being aware of AIDS? Well, while Bono and all the non-third world nation celebrate AIDS, I present this lil' nugget. Look at it. Now, if you are not laughing, then the government might want to impose "FUN Awareness Day".


Matt said...

Wow...whoever did that is freaking incredible!

Anonymous said...

is the problem, the promotion of birth control to these oversexed godless sinners?

Cause that is the problem I see.