Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Hardest Candy

So, I have been on this big horror/thriller movie kick. I was working on Sat. and the girl who works at the cinema around the corner said people were coming out of "Hard Candy" in shock. Naturally, I make it my priority to see it the next day. I don't want to spoil the movie for you. I'll just give you the plot liner:
  • "A mature 14-year old girl goes to the home of a charming 32-year old photographer she met on the Internet in attempt to expose whom she suspects is a pedophile."
The Independent gave it one star, so it got a lot of street cred with me. However, I can honestly say it was one of the more fucked up movies I have seen in the past decade. It was a real head screw. There are no heroes in this one. This is a difficult concept to get behind. I didn't realize just how much I hated the two main characters. When I went to imdb.com to find out more about the film and it's staff, I looked at publicity photos of the crew. I got very uncomfortable seeing the two characters off the screen. The story line was just that fucked up. You can look at the stills of that film and think you would know the story, but you have no idea. Oh, BTW, I really liked it.

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