Monday, February 11, 2008


Help me unwrap my head on this one. I was at the public library and printing out a resume. I go to the upstairs help desk and tell the woman that I printed off a resume downstairs and I was wondering if she had it. This is her response:
"What do you mean 'downstairs'?"
My brain caught on fire, I passed out for a minute and I just kind of stared at her. How do I reply to such a statement? If I was a robot, then I would've broken all of Isaac Asimov's laws and gone buck wyle on that lady. Why did this effect me so? It wasn't as if she said, "What?" or "Huh?" She heard me. The words registered in her head and she couldn't grasp the fact that she was a good building story above the earth. What in the Sam Houston State is wrong with this woman? PLEASE TELL ME!

1 comment:

3000 said...

What do you mean 'please tell me'?