At WKNC, we have no real way of knowing how many people are listening. What we do have is a web listeners counter. Last week, I hit my all time high of 118. Not so much this week, but still kind of cool to look at my peaks and valleys.
FYI: J-M0 pulled the plug. He didn't even have the courage to tellThis was just step one. Following that she started calling people. I am talking random people. She called his Mom. She called one of his female friends and accused her of causing the split. This female friend has a boyfriend of her own for roughly a year and J-Mo finds her a bit annoying from time to time. So, that was nuts. Then she called me one Sunday morning. As anyone who has hung-out with me on Saturdays would know, I don't do Sunday mornings. It was not a fun or productive phone conversation. And the worst part is it was the house phone. So, I couldn't even do the whole "cell phone breaking up" dealy. Truly horrible. She started text messaging friends and acting like she thought it was sent to someone else. Then, when that failed she satrted e-mailing J-Mo pictures of her with other dudes. Ladies, help me understand this one. Why would a guy who broke up with you care if you are out with another man? I would think they would encourage it. The most recent one was my personal favorite. (BTW J-Mo send the e-mails and photos to all his buddies and it kind of becomes a fun caption righting contest.)
me in person. Just when you think you know someone.