Monday, July 10, 2006

There's a New Hampshire now?

My sister is up in New Hampshire for a month long training session for her work. She decided to save a little money and moved into a creepy old boarding house for the month. I helped her get there. It has 15 rooms and two of them are occupied by Angel, a large lesbian, and Sylvia, a 50 year old "shut in". My sister sent me a message today talking about her experiences with her "housemates".
1. Have yet to see Sylvia out of her plaid bathroom.
2. Yesterday a freshly baked, home made cherry pie was cooling on the kitchen table, later that night, said pie pan was awaiting a scrub down in the sink. Contents still missing.
3. Four, yes FOUR, empty Lean Cuisine Meatloaf boxes were discarded in the kitchen trash.
4. Both the tiny showers don't have enough room for me to get the soap off of my rear end which constantly leaves me scratching my head in wonder as to HOW in the world my "robust" housemate cleans herself.
More notes from New Hampshire to follow.

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