Hi, I am Jordana Brewster. I am really hot and I haven't been in anything in over two years. Sounds like Rochester, at least the not being in anything in two years part. Ha Ha! LOLers! It is not because I am picky. I mean, I was in some of the worst movies made the millennium. The Fast and The Furious? Annapolis? Yup, that was me. And according to
imdb.com, I am penciled to do the fourth installment of the The Fast and The Furious. I think they should call it The Fast and The Furious: 4 Some Reason. See that, I am clever, too. Well, just letting all of you normal folk, or as we call you in the Beautiful People's Club, Uggies, know that sexy people make mistakes, too. I am sure you could make a long list of them. Now I am off to
SkyBar to ignore Matt Dillon. Why is he still there?
she was in the new installment of the texas chainsaw massacre as well you moron
oh..the reason why she "hasn't been in anything" lately is because she got married and she took a break in acting
just so you know
"hi, I'm a blogger with no life... I blog about other people because I don't have anything to say for myself or because I'm too shy. I also like talking in other people's name because I'm scared of voicing my own opinion.
how's that?
Whoa, buuuuuuuuuurrrrnnn....
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