Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I am as P.C. as the next man....

...if the next man is a redneck. I know that by parlaying a stereotype for my last post was flat out racist. I know saying "a little racist" is comparable to saying "a little gay", there is no little about it. I was trying to paint the picture a little lighter then it is. I am not anti-semitic. Hackney as it may sounds, some of my best friends are Jews. I know it was wrong and I apologize. I try to stay away from political post, because I am too stupid to comment on them logically. However, on this issue I do know a little something. I do not agree with Israel and what it has been doing. Everyone paints them as the great victims in this Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but they have more then enough blood in their hands. The way they are going about things is wrong and unjust. But, I guess a few bad apples do really spoil the whole bushel. Just like when you were in elementary school and the one kid screwed everyone out of recess, and now the entire class has to sit with their heads down on the desks. This is the same as settlers in American and what happened to the Native Americans, or the Afrikaners and the Blacks South Africans and "Coloureds" (people of non-white decent). Ironically, I found a quote from an S. African born Israeli Abba Eban that kind of sums up my frustration, "History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives."