Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Rochester and The Science World

One, I am not good at science and science related fields. This has very little to do with this post. So, I am in my Science Fiction Literature class this afternoon and the smelly guy who always has something to say and take his notes on a effin' laptop is on his second Coca-Cola with lime of the class when he bust out some (BRACE YOURSELF) LUNCHABLES! He starts making a ham, cheese and cracker sandwich. I cannot hold out and start laughing uncontrollably. The professor, God bless 'em, asks what was so funny. We were talking about H. G. Wells. I explain it before the class. The girl next to me loses it, too. And the smelly guy looks at me kinda funny and pounds on of the cracker sandwiches. I had to excuse myself from class for a minute. I was beat red in the face I was laughing so hard. That sheet is funny I do not care who you are! Then, I check out Utter Wonder and C. Monks had this on there. Easily the funniest past 30 minutes of my life. If I die right now, I would regret nothing.

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