Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Hollywood Juice?

BALCO, Giambi, Canseco, Bonds, and maybe Russell Crowe? We look at athletes with their finely chistle bodies and wonder if they are use steroids. Why do we not look at Hollywood the same way? People always give the actors and actresses so much credit for how their bodies look from one film to the next. They give Oscars, and even Cable Ace Awards, away for such things. People were so amazed with Robert DeNiro's potrayal of Jake LaMotta, in Raging Bull, because of the weight he put on and lost. First off, I do the same transformation every Friday evening to Monday morning every week. And, I don't get an award, just a bloated feeling and a bleeding ulcer, so color me unimpressed. Hollywood is really nothing but a body building cult. For an example, let us look at Mr. Crowe. His first US release was sci-fi film called Virtuosity. I saw it, because I don't care to talk to people and I am rather self-depreciating. He was not the beast he was in Gladiator. The celebrity exoskeleton, Joan Rivers, asks, "How did you get your body to look like that?"
The response is almost always, "Diet, hardwork, and genetics."
This is the kind of response wrestlers give, so you know it is bullsheet. Also, think of all the fights Mr. Crowe has gotten into with his notoriously short fuse. Hmmmm, does anyone else smell 'roid rage? I am not directly saying people in Hollywood are doing steroids, because I have not gotten piss sample from most of Hollywood's big name stars. (I would like to thank Andy Dick and Rue McClanahan for their contribution to my piss testing field.) I just think the next time you give credit to a celebrity for their awesome, impossible, freakish body, think about who else has that body.


Rochester Binghampton said...

Home-erotic? Is it because I mention Andy Dick and Rue McClanahan in the same sentence? Or is it because I said I took their pee tests?

Anonymous said...

I think its cuz youre talking about Russel Crowes "bod"