Monday, January 09, 2006

Fuck Sports

I kept asking myself all weekend long, "Why do you do this to yourself?" I knew by 8:00 pm EST Saturday that the Carolina Panthers were going to win on Sunday. State lost to Carolina. Tampa Bay lost to the Rednecks. My teams have kind of an all or nothing way about them. They either all win at once or all lose at once. So, since I knew the Panthers were going to win on Sunday, I was keeping a spare eye on the Wuss-consin and MSU basketball game. And then it hit me, does anyone else think that Kammron Taylor looks exactly like Chris Rock? I mean, m aybe not as much as how Steve Nash looks like Jackie Earle Haley? Or as bad as Andrew Bynum and Florida Evans from "Good Times"? But close none the less.


Matt said...

Panthers need to get past the Bears, B. And plus, U-Dub beat the snizz out of MSU, proving once again that the entire state of Michigan sucks.

Anonymous said...

Hey b!, just because I have experience with your mom it doesn't mean it's going to be easy. My prediction.....Fuck them both! Horray for the Dy-nasty, Praise Emperor Belly-chick.