Monday, June 06, 2005

Was He Really All That Tricky?

So, Deep Throat is out, and let me tell you that old guy looks like he could gobble up 12-inches and still be begging for more. However, all this talk of Watergate brings up a fairly interesting question, "Was Richard Nixon all that bad?" Really think about it. I can think of only two things he did that were all that bad. One, the secret bombing in Cambodia was a borderline war-criminal offense. And two, breaking into a hotel to find dirt on an oppenent. Other than that, what? I am asking because I am a little dumb on the man and only hear the same old sheet. And compare and contrast him to any President and you'll see what I mean. Tell me about it.

1 comment:

Matt said...

His economic policies were borderline socialism. Wage and price controls, high taxes...that's bad enough in my book.